No Cell Phone? No Internet? No life.

Carr once stated that
without technology an individual from this new high-tech era pretty much
becomes nonexistent. If you asked any high school or college student their thoughts
on the matter they would definitely agree. Starting as early as middle school
if not sooner every kid has a cell phone. As cell phones have become more popular over
the years the number of families with house phones has decreased dramatically. Therefore, in order to get in touch with anyone now
a days you must have a cell phone. Without a cell phone a kid has no way to
interact with friends or family unless internet is available. Moreover, without
a cell phone making plans with any friends becomes very challenging, and almost
like a chore. You have to go out of your way to talk to anybody rather than
just speed dialing your closest friends.
The internet has also
become a heavy influence on the lives of many individuals. “The cloud,” the
internet, is filled with countless social media websites. These sites have become
a part of many people’s everyday lives. They impact how people interact with one
another, the friends we have, and individual’s social lives altogether. The
internet has become as important as the cell phone when it comes to interacting
with friends. People meet on the internet, and make plans here. One of the most
popular sites at the moment is said to be Facebook.
People are judged on their Facebook
accounts and can even lose a job over the information they post on their pages.
Without a Facebook, or any other
social media account individuals again will have a hard time contacting anyone
or making plans for that matter. Without both a cell phone and no internet
access a person’s social life is at a very high risk for being nonexistent if
it already is not.
I have
to say I also agree with Carr’s idea that without technology we can become
invisible and nonexistent pretty much. I am even testing this out myself. I
have deactivated my own Facebook to
see this for myself. However, I have not turned my cell phone off which makes a
huge difference in the whole theory of becoming nonexistent. I cannot bring
myself to turn it off; turning off my Facebook
was already hard enough. Since I have turned it off a few of my close friends
almost immediately started asking what was going on with me; as if turning my
Facebook off was the end of the world. Other than that I have not talked to too
many people recently. It has only been a week so far but not having a Facebook is just weird to me. Due to the
fact that it has only been a week I cannot say how much more invisible I have
become since I turned my account off, but if I see any results I will be
re-editing this blog. I do already feel out of sync with the rest of the world
a little I am not going to lie. Facebook was
my way of easily seeing what was going on with my friends and family. Now, without
Facebook I am just out of the “the loop”. This is easily bearable since
individuals have been living without social media websites since the dawn of
time, but for me living in this day and age it is just awkward not to be a part
of social media websites.

-Britney Villafane
I still do not have a Facebook, and now I do not have a phone. It really is hard to talk to anyone now.
ReplyDelete-Britney V
You don' t need any of that, you don't even need a social life. Just your self and being happy with who you are and enjoying your own company. Thinking that you cannot live without a cellphone and FB is such an adolescent mentally ... grow up dude.