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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Printed Books v. Digital Books

Before the invention of the computer, and then the internet, books were published in a printed copy. A book could be conveniently carried around with you to any place of your choosing, whether it’s work, the beach, your bedroom, or even the bathroom. However, since modern technology has risen, and is apart of nearly every American’s life one way or another, printed out books have taken a large hit. Books are becoming digitalized in forms of e-Books or e-Readers, slowly replacing printed copies of books. Inventions such as the Kindle and Nook allow for readers to purchase any book of their choosing online and have a digital copy appear right in their hands. Although technological advances are making life easier, more convenient, and even smaller, I fear the impact it is having on us, mentally and physically.
            I personally prefer printed copies of books over digital copies for multiple reasons. First off, there is nothing better than the smell of a new book. Every time I walk into Barnes & Noble, the first sense that is trigger is my sense of smell, which isn’t even that strong. However, the smell of new books is always welcoming and encourages me t pick one up and dive right into it. Another reason why printed copies are the way to go is because you don’t have to rely on electricity. For example, let’s say that a vicious storm sets in over Umass Lowell, and it knocks the power out for a full week. Unless you have some form of electronic device that allows you to charge your Kindle or Nook, eventually that device will run out of battery, and then you’ll have no books to read while the power is out. By having a printed copy of a book, you never have to be concerned about running out of battery or electricity, and you can feel free to enjoy your book anytime you want.
 Another thing that I dislike about digital books is the risk of losing everything you’ve purchased. By having a printed copy of a book you always run the risk of having pages ripped out or spilling something on it that fully saturates it. However, with a Kindle or Nook, if you spill something on it, not only do you destroy the device (which is very expensive), you’ll also loose all of your books on that device, not just one book. Another downside of digital books is their lack of convenience. Although a Kindle or Nook is very portable, it is not something I would want to bring onto a beach with me. The risk of getting sand into my device wouldn’t be worth it to read on the beach, and that is my favorite place to read.
            Overall, printed copies of books are my preferred type of reading, because they do not require any technology and have a lesser risk of damage than electronic devices do. I am fully content bringing just one book around with me, I don’t need to have multiple at one time. 

-Dylan Chisholm 

1 comment:

  1. Everytime I have to type a paper or write a report i have to print out the sources because I hate reading online. I hate not being able to highlight and write notes on sources I need to remember. Yeah the Kindles and Nooks are easy to use and portable but I totally agree that no one brings like 10 books with them at a time and the beach is the best place to read!
    -Kim Fairweather
