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Saturday, April 21, 2012

The New Norm

In The Shallows, Carr frequently talks about the how he thinks today’s world is dumbing down because we use technology to store most of our information. I personally disagree with this whole statement. It is quite amusing to me that Carr can talk about the ridiculousness of holding information in silicone objects when there were many different types of mediums before, such as the rock. Was the human race dumbing down when they turned symbols on rocks into the alphabet, and stories on walls into books? No they were not; the media evolved because so did our knowledge. There are advantages and disadvantages to every type of medium we can imagine. Yes, it is true that if all a person does is watch television, surf the web and play video games all day that they have become very vulnerable towards technology. I know many people, many smart people, who constantly tweet, Facebook their friends and surf the web because that is how the world is going and that is how people have started to connect. Letters are a nice thing to write and receive but who is to say that it is the better, more genuine thing to do? Just because they have been around so long does not mean that the now alternative e-mail is worse. The content in itself should be the real meaning, not the way the content is sent.

We live in a world where more is expected of everyone. More deadlines to make, more hours to work and more people to meet. Technology is made with the demand of the world and if Carr thinks technology is causing a decrease in real intelligence, then how is it that these products are even being made? Many people are studying and becoming employed in Computer Science. I would like to see a person who is an English major do half the things on a computer that a Computer Science major can do. This is not because the English major is not capable; it is just that it is not their specialty. What I am trying to get at is that many people today rely on Computer Science majors to do everyday things. Our advanced traffic controls were made and programmed by computer science technicians and also that Wi-Fi you rely on to write that 10 page research paper. Maybe books do have are more meaningful than the internet because of the way they are more specific and the way it takes longer for them to be published. If you think about it books would be the same as the internet if they did not need to be looked over and published. If books could be written then sold, there would be more racism, bad humor and violence just like there is on the internet. If any kind of book was available to anyone, little kids’ minds would be soiled just as people claim they are from the internet. I believe that many inappropriate books are being made and sold all the time, and if the internet could be controlled just as books are I reckon, there would be no controversy.
- Rachel Duchemin

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