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Saturday, March 31, 2012

IQ tests need to change

            In class the other day we were talking about what should be put on an IQ test. I feel like this is an unfair question because everyone is intelligent in his or her own ways. I know for me, I’m particularly good at Music and Math and knowing random information about movies and actors. For other people, they’re smart at sciences, history, carpentry, etc. where these things don’t comprehend well with me. Everyone has his or her own special talents and own things that they are smart at. I don’t think it’s fair to create a test of random questions about everything to see who has a smarter IQ.
            I think IQ tests should be made for specific subjects. Like, have one for history, one for math, one for English, one about science, one for music, one for carpentry, one of electrics, etc. That way you can take what you want and see what your IQ is for each subject. Add them together and there’s you’re over all IQ. I know this doesn’t make exact sense, but I think it would be better for people who may not be book smart, but are very street smart.
            I know that IQ tests were made to test general knowledge, but I think that the world has changed so much that the IQ tests are not keeping up. Most people these days think of general knowledge as “how to use a laptop correctly,” “what is the best movie of the past year,” and some high school subject questions. IQ tests however, I feel that they focus more on the school subjects than the social aspect of it. Knowledge isn’t just learned through school, it’s learned through experience. IQ tests don’t ask questions about experience. Some of the smartest men in history never finished high school; Bill Gates, Einstein, Steve Jobs, etc. This is why I feel that IQ tests need to be updated to today’s society than keeping them school based.

~Liz Langelier 

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